Other Samples


Pierre Cardin goes electronique. Happy 10th Birthday LegoLand. New England photographer travels in time. Blue Dolphin sells subs on the e-shore.  [more]


 The Inner Tenor of David Brenner

David Brenner is America's hottest young comedian.[more]

  The Left Reverend McD

The first time I met Eugene McDaniels, he was squatting on the floor of his apartment [more]

Nate Johnson Takes the Plunge (Profile)

This movie photographer immersed himself in his work. [more]

Cheech & Chong: Laughter From On High

"Some day, marijuana will be legal,” Tommy announced. " [more]


Planning  For Impulse

Yes, people buy magazines on impulse; but here's how you can  trigger the impulse [more]  

Happy Talk

In a few weeks you’ll cross the briny to meet prospects  [more]


Management Under Fire: Paradigm of Desert Storm 

Watfare is a great model for business. Consequently,[more]


Chapter 1 —Your Home Office

By opening this book, you have demonstrated that you really care about your future [more]



Fiber optics might just be the rainbow that leads the securities industry to the legendary pot of gold, [more]



Ultimate Guide to Indies

Pause for a moment and say a prayer for independent record companies. [more]



Giving Ballroom a Whirl

Was it so recently that ballroom dancing seemed to be a poignant curiosity [more]




Why It's Hard to
Have a Really Cool Revolution 

 "Ben Franklin"
           "Hello Ben, This is Samuel Adams. I just wanted to - -"[more]

Happy Talk 

By Norman Schreiber 

Congratulations! You’re about to take your company global. In a few weeks you’ll cross the briny to meet prospects and possible strategic partners. But whoops! The only word you know in their language is “duh.” Although English now is the international business language, being understood is just a start. You’ll score points if you show some effort to speak your customer’s language. You can learn foreign language basics in a couple of weeks. It probably won’t be pretty and it won’t stay with you very long unless you keep using it but it will help you navigate during your imminent journey.

Basic tools, according to Dr. Bernebe Feria, Director of Curriculum and Developments Worldwide for Berlitz International are a reasonable amount of intelligence; a sense of pattern and open-mindedness. The basic learning elements are simple: Listen to a speaker say words, phrases and sentences; repeat those words, phrases and sentences. Nobody likes to use the  “M-word” but memorization is what happens. 

 Finding the Right Course and Teacher

Native speakers insure that you hear the mother tongue the way mama really speaks it and just about all language academies brag about the native speakers on their faculty. But that’s not enough, says Carolyn Fidelman (Editor-in-Chief of the on-line Agora Language Marketplace and Professor of French at Northeastern University). Doers are not necessarily teachers. You’re better off with someone trained to educate. For that reason, suggests Fidelman, see to it that your instructor is a moonlighting high school or college language teacher.
An immersion course helps

. This linguistic boot camp throws you into the language waters for about six hours a day, five days a week for one to three weeks. You learn by speaking and doing. (Price averages between $3,000 and $5,000). Berlitz International (400 Alexander Park, Princeton NJ 08540; 800-528-8908) offers such courses in its schools around the country. So do other academies such as The Boston Language Institute, 636 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02215 (617 262-3500).

You can compound an immersion course’s power by going overseas a little earlier. Take that course in the country where you are doing business. Actually being there gives you more chances to soak up the lingo and reinforce what you are learning. Contact National Registration Center for Study Abroad (414 278-0631) for a list of respected foreign based immersion courses. The NRCSA also can register you for one of these classes.
Hire a private instructor when your workaholic life prevents regularly scheduled appointments on the same time and day. Other private instructor advantages are that  the lessons can be customized and you get so much attention.

Fidelman feels semi-private instruction – meeting the instructor with two or three other students – actually can be more effective. Lessons are still pretty customized. Schedules can still be flexible and the student interplay and bonding helps.

 f you’re going to be here for another three to six months, you can take a course.  The choices of venue include private tutors, dedicated academies such as Berlitz and BIL; and assorted adult ed centers. Make sure the class emphasizes conversation over grammar and business communication over tourist needs. The larger the class the less likely your specific needs and opportunities for participation can be addressed. Berlitz limits its class size to 10.  

Using Technology

If you have no time for classes or prefer self-instruction, you can turn to recordings -- audiotape cassettes or CD-ROMs.
Audiotape offers hearing (the voice on the tape) and speaking (blank intervals so that you can repeat what you just heard). And it’s highly portable so you can cram while you jog or drive or work out. A good source for audiotape language courses is Audio Forum, 96 Broad St., Guilford CT 06437 (800-243-1234) The company offers 96 languages and the average program consists of 15 hours of taped instruction and calls for 60-70 hours of exercise.

 CD-ROMs provide heightened interactivity, ease in reviewing past lessons and vocabulary plus high tech cartoony bells and whistles. Fairfield Language Technologies’ (FLT) Rosetta Stone series brings an immersion approach to the computer. Using pictures, photos, text and phrases, it guides learners to meaning through context and gives instant feedback. It also “learns” where the student has difficulties and re-exercises

Helping Yourself Learn

 Anticipate your vocabulary needs, advises Professor Fidelman. “Visualize your trip.” Think about everything from getting off the plane to getting through your meetings. From this exercise, Fidelman says, you can develop a list of  “specific words or phrases you  might need in those situations.” Give that list to your instructor.
When using audiotapes or CD-ROMs, do your studying in 20-minute intervals. Going longer than that, according to Fidelman, usually reduces your ability to retain information.

Repeat each new word or phrase seven to times to maximize retention.
Rote may rule when it comes to learning numbers, days, months but you can help the process by drilling in a different way. Dr. Jonathan Z. Ludwig of  Indiana University has his students “recite, for example, the even numbers, the odd numbers, count backwards, by threes, etc.”

Learn the phrases for “"yes, I need ...; yes, I need to do ...; no, I don't need .../I already have ...; no, I don't need to .../I already did ..." When combining these with your personal vocabulary, says Ludwig, you can effectively respond in many different situations..
When you learn vocabulary, associate an action while listening to the word or phrase. For example, when you hear the foreign version of “what time is it?” look at your watch.
Giving Yourself Extras

Practice with real-life speakers at every opportunity – restaurants, cab rides, shopping, etc. This tip applies to people who take classes as well as those who use tapes and CD-ROMs.

 Muriel Jerome-O’Keeffe of JTG (a company that specializes in integrating technology into curricula) says go to a language club meeting. The purpose of such meetings (often luncheons) is to talk, listen, learn and have a great time. You can locate them through universities, libraries, ethnic benevolent associations, embassies or even your language instructor.

Use the Web.

They don’t call it “worldwide” for nothing and surf your way through foreign language sites. Many sites cater to the language learner. The Agora Language Marketplace (http://agoralang.com ) is an excellent place to start.

Pack These

Get a pocket dictionary. To get the right one, Professor Fidelman suggests you check for computer terms to see how current it is and see if has enough of the professional vocabulary you need.

Bring your tapes and keep on practicing. Capisce?